
April 15, 2015

Out Tonight: Bull Run 1861, Layer, Singularity, and Spellcrafter

All that's missing are the civilians watching the battle while eating their picnic lunches.

All that’s missing are the civilians watching the battle while eating their picnic lunches.

It’s already been a busy week thus far, with games like Pandemic and Hearthstone heading to the small screen and Sentinels of the Multiverse getting an expansion. So, what could there possibly be left to talk about? Let’s start with the American Civil War and another hex war game from the aptly named HexWar, this one focusing on the first major battle of the war, the First Battle of Bull Run in 1861.

As is the case with the HexWar games, you can play as either side in the conflict and there are a good chunk of scenarios you can play through. This one offers you a scenario that encompasses the entire battle as well as scenarios that handle smaller portions of the battle as well as the smaller engagements that led up to the meeting at Manassas.

Civil War: Bull Run 1861 is available for iPad and will run you $5.

More of this week’s releases after the break.

The next game on the list is simply called Layer and it’s another one of those minimalist puzzle games that seem to be all the rage. In this one, you have to stack layers. Or something. Honestly, even after watching the trailer I’m a bit confused. Looks like a bunch of tapping to me, but when I say that out loud I sound like a very grumpy, very old man, so I’m going to keep it to myself. Layer is a Universal app that will run $2. Now, watch the trailer and tell me that you understand what’s going on.

Singularity is another minimalist puzzle game but there’s something strange going on here. From appearances, it looks pretty much exactly like Unexpect3rd’s other release Causality. The icons are the same and the iTunes descriptions are the same. Also, there’s no mention of Singularity on Unexpect3rd’s website. Now, Causality was released in June of 2014, so I’m not sure if this is a reimagining or an entirely new game. Either way, it’s free to try for iOS Universal.

I don't know what's going on, either.

I don’t know what’s going on, either.

Last game we’ll talk about today is Spellcrafter: The Path of Magic. Spellcrafter is a 3rd person RPG that appears to have turn-based combat. The big selling point, however, is the magic system that has you drawing symbols on your touchscreen to cast different spells. I think there was a Harry Potter game a few years ago that did the same thing, and it was utterly terrible, so we can only hope that things have improved in the crowded “draw spells on your screen” genre. Spellcrafter actually looks pretty decent and the trailer itself is pretty well put together, if you can get past the rhymes. Ugh. This one is for iOS Universal and should run $3 when it releases tonight.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Tell me what I’m missing.

post from sitemap

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