
May 7, 2015

Out Tonight: Legend of Grimrock, Battles of the Ancient World, and more

Two skellie pics in one day? Getting lazy.

Two skellie pics in one day? Getting lazy.

I thought we already had the week’s biggest release last night when Grim Fandango hit the App Store, but tonight is bringing a few surprises that may even eclipse that LucasArts classic. Tonight we get the role-playing game that everyone thought would revitalize a genre, but didn’t. Unless you count its sequel. I’m talking about Legend of Grimrock, which hearkens back to the RPGs of old such as Eye of the Beholder and Bard’s Tale.

Like those games, Grimrock puts you in charge of a never-seen party of adventurers as you explore a Gygaxian maze one square at a time. Your goal is to escape the prison of Grimrock dungeon, exploring each level looking for loot and stairs ever downward. Each level has its own twists, puzzles, monsters, and traps, and each level feels like a triumph when you finally find the way out. Throughout the dungeon are new weapons, armor and treasure that will help in your journey as you level up. It’s all standard RPG fare–they didn’t reinvent the wheel, here–but it’s done in such a wonderful style and the design is clever enough to keep you coming back. I’ve played the PC version when it came out and it’s fantastic, and we can only hope the iPad version fares as well.

You can pick up Legend of Grimrock tonight for iPad and it will run you about $5.

More of tonight’s releases after the break.

Our second game of the night is from HexWar and is the latest game from their collaboration with Decision Games. This one is called Battles of the Ancient World I and–SPOILERS–it involves ancient battles. I’m pretty sure that this is a digital version of 1992’s Four Battles of the Ancient World, which means the four scenarios available are Arbela, Cannae, Pharsalus, and Teutoburger Wald. The game has high definition graphics, three levels of difficulty, and over 50 different unique units. It’s a war game, and it’s HexWar so you know it’s not rough around the edges.

You can pick up Battles of the Ancient World I tonight for iOS Universal for $3.

Our last game tonight is one we talked about yesterday, Dive For Honour: Cold War. This is a submarine simulation that lets you pilot 12 different subs in either a single-player campaign or online multiplayer with up to eight players in 4v4 deathmatches. The game promises a realistic simulation, but it looks more Hollywood from the screenshots. Either way, diving and shooting torpedoes can’t be too bad.

Dive for Honour is coming for iOS Universal and will cost $3-$4.

post from sitemap

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