
March 30, 2017

PT Guides: Faeria 101 - Deck-Building & Themes

Welcome back to the short strategy series, Faeria 101! Last week, we talked about how to best use the board to your advantage. Today, we’re here to talk about deck building. Specifically, building around a theme. Themes in card games can take on a few different faces, but today we'll be focusing around a few basic keywords that provide benefits and opportunities for combos.

Your Theme Is Your Strength

Faeria has a wide array of cards, and it can be hard to know where to start when you want to build a new deck. The __game provides some useful templates that can be unlocked by advancing in solo mode, but what do you do if you haven’t gotten those cards? What if you want to build your own deck from scratch?

The most important thing to remember when building a deck is your theme. Sure, you can throw all of the most powerful cards you opened into a deck and play that, but chances are you can have a stronger deck if all your cards are working toward the same goal, supporting each other.

There are a lot of different themes you can build around, but today I want to concentrate on some of the more obvious themes—and the key cards within them—you can build around. As you improve within the game, you can discover some of the more complex and trickier to play themes. Remember, complex doesn’t always mean better.

blue red combo

Last Words/Gift

This deck takes advantage of the keyword mechanics Last Words and Gift on cheap creatures that are then sacrificed to other effects to quickly gain an advantage over the opponent, usually by creating giant creatures to replace those that died. The strongest colours for this deck is probably green and yellow, but there are a few cards in blue (gain mana/transform creatures) and red (deal damage) that can work in the theme. No matter how you choose to build it, I’d strongly recommend green as a starting point since it has the most creatures for this theme.

Game Plan: Play cards like Voice of Hunger, Death Walker, and Shaytan Assassin to sacrifice cheap creatures like Elderwood Hermit or Bloomsprite to gain an advantage. If that doesn’t win the game, a late Soul Eater or Spirit of Rebirth should finish the job.

Green cards to consider:
English 318Feed the Forest
Voice of Hunger
Soul Eater
Eredon, Voice of All
Elderwood Hermit
Spirit of Rebirth
Any Tiki card

Yellow cards to consider:
600px English 139Demon Wrangler
Death Walker
Shaytan Assassin

Red cards to consider:
Bomb Slinger
Blazing Salamander

Blue cards to consider:
Failed Experiment
Aurora, Myth Maker
Spring Mochi

Neutral cards to consider:
Village Elder
Plague Bearer

This is a sacrifice deck supported with blue. Here’s a competitive green and yellow deck.


This deck takes advantage of the keyword mechanic Combat on creatures—as well as other creatures that give you a bonus when attacking—to gain an advantage over the opponent. This deck has multiple variations, but the strongest is probably an aggressive yellow and red deck. Blue has very little to offer this type of deck. I’ve included a few cards that could help, but you’re better off skipping it altogether. Green doesn’t have a lot to add in terms of actual combat abilities, but is a great addition if you want to boost your creature’s health to keep them alive.

Game Plan: Play lots of creatures with combat abilities, keep them alive for as long as possible, and use their abilities to slowly beat down your opponent. The more times your creatures can attack, the better off you are.

Green cards to consider:English 295
Ruunin’s Messenger
Any card that boosts your creatures’ health

Yellow cards to consider:
Khalim, Sky Prodigy
Zealous Crusader
Oradrim Sagittarius
Oradrim Monk
Flash Wind

Red cards to consider:English 226
Gift of Steel
Herald of War
Underground Brigand
Flame Thrower
Grim Guard
Seifer, Blood Tyrant
Scourgeflame Specter

Blue cards to consider:
Aurora, Myth Maker

Neutral cards to consider:
King’s Guard
Tax Collector

This is a basic aggressive red combat deck, and here’s a powerful red and yellow version.


This deck attempts to get additional special lands and mana via spells and creatures before laying down powerful creatures to finish the game. This is most powerful as a green and blue deck, but replacing blue with yellow will allow you to build a more aggressive version of the theme. Red has some great cards to help finish the game, but little to help you get extra lands or mana.

Game Plan: Play early spells that create special lands, then play a game-ending creature.

Green cards to consider:English 82
Primeval Colossus
Apex Predator
Oak Father
Seed Sower
Wood Elemental
Wild Growth

Yellow cards to consider:
Khalim’s Prayer
Soul Pact
Oradrim Sagittarius
Lord of the Wastes
Azarai, Wrath of the DesertEnglish 288

Red cards to consider:
Crackthorn Beast
Garudan, Heart of the Mountain
Fire Elemental

Blue cards to consider:
Forbidden Library
Spring Mochi
Water Elemental

Neutral cards to consider:
Magda, Queen of Meroval

This is a basic green and blue version of a ramp deck. Here’s a crazy version utilising Three Wishes.

These are three themes you can build around and find reasonable success with, although there are many others with slightly more complex combos that I’ve also seen do well. Don’t be afraid to experiment; just remember the more your cards work together, the stronger your deck can be!

Got any other decklists or keyword combos you want to share? Let us know in the comments below! The final article in this initial series will launch same time next - please do give us your feedback on these articles, as it helps us determine what direction we go with things like this.

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