
January 11, 2017

Pocket Tactics Presents: Black Friday

For many Americans Thanksgiving means turkey, parades, football, awkward conversations about turkey and football, and super awkward conversations about politics—especially this year. But hey, there's also sales, and lots of them. Gamers have it easy…we don't have to go anywhere to take advantage of the season of commerce. If you're looking for some good new games to try on the cheap, Pocket Tactics has you covered. Here are the best __game sales we can dig up:

OrangePixel Games: $.99

OrangePixel Games has put several of their titles on sale for Black Friday, including Heroes of Loot [iOS|Android] and Heroes of Loot 2 [iOS|Android]. Heroes of Loot has a free-version on Android as well. Both are premium games and worth a look if you like action-oriented dungeon-crawling games. Space Grunts is also $.99 and earned a five-star review earlier this year from Tof who enjoyed the turn-based shooter. Grab it quick on iOS or Android for the sale ends after this weekend.

Space Grunts

Door Kickers: $.99

Door Kickers is a tactical __game where you control an elite SWAT team. You can meticulously plan and coordinate the routes and actions of your team in advance and then press play and watch them go. The game sends you through a series of tough assignments and when I say tough I mean it. Door Kickers might be the most challenging game I've played in the last couple years. It got a five-star Pocket Tactics review back when it came out (As well as Strategy GOTY Runner-Up) and is on sale for $.99, down from $4.99. Grab it on iOS and Android.

Door Kickers

Talisman Games: $.99 and $1.99

Talisman is a classic board game set in the Warhammer universe. It got the mobile treatment several years ago and is on sale for $1.99. Talisman Prologue, set before the story kicks off, is also on sale for a dollar (On iOS only at time of writing), all in the name of turkey. If you never bought in and think upon the board game fondly, strike now on both Android and iOS.


Autumn Dynasty Warlords: $1.99

If you like Rome: Total War, which I recently reviewed on the iPad, and haven't played Autumn Dynasty Warlords you should remedy that right now. Seriously, that's your next game. Autumn Dynasty Warlords does the same macro/micro thing allowing you to swap between the turn-based, 4x, conquer all the things gameplay and gorgeous real-time battles with intuitive unit controls. What's more, it does it better than Rome: Total War. You read that right. 

Warlord's predecessor game, Autumn Dynasty RTS [iOS|Android], focuses on the battles. It was the first to make use of the user interface that lets you draw your unit's paths. I like Warlords much better, but at two bucks a pop you don't really have to choose if you don't want to.  

Autumn Dynasty Warlords

Wizards and Wagons: $1.99

If you like trade-and-bartering games, Wizards and Wagons, by the same developer as the Autumn Dynasty games mentioned above, are also on sale for $1.99. In it you play a hero who put himself out of work by defeating the Demon Lord. Oops. Now you travel from place to place selling goods to make ends meet. Don't worry, there are still targets for your wizardly ire…ruffians and the like. Grab it now on iOS and Android. 

Wizards and Wagons

Lifeline Games: $1.99

There are a handful of Lifeline games these days, and 3 Minute Games put a couple on sale. Lifeline: Flatline [iOS|Android], which got three stars from Matt Thrower back in November, and Lifeline: Crisis Line [iOS|Android] is currently a dollar off. Personally, I think they should have made a Black Friday version with some poor schmuck stuck at a Walmart. Talk about a crisis. 

Ryan North's To Be or Not To Be: $1.99

Tin Man Games was Pocket Tactic's creator of the year in 2015, thanks in part to Ryan North's To Be or Not To Be, which earned full marks from Dave Neumann. It's currently on sale for $1.99 [iOS|Android]. A bunch of the other Tin Man gamebooks are on sale too, including Asuria Awakens [iOS|Android] ($.99) and Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion [iOS|Android] ($1.99). Now's the time to stock up if you're into that genre.

Thomas Was Alone: $1.99

Minimalist platformer and AppStore classic, Thomas Was Alone, is on sale for $1.99, down from $4.99. This game isn't heavy on tactics, but it is good, and Owen gave it four stars back in the day. Besides, a game about friendship and compassion seems about right these days. Grab it now on iOS and Android.

Thomas Was Alone

Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved: $2.99

The Geometry Wars games don't exactly scream "Pocket Tactics" either, but for those that also like frenetic, pulse-pounding, fast-twitch action games you can do far worse. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved is on sale for $2.99, down from $9.99, which is a respectable discount.  It is available on iOS and Android.

Mercenaries Saga 2: $2.99

Mercenaries Saga 2 is a SRPG and a port from the Nintendo 3DS. These can be very hit-or-miss, and Tof wasn't super bullish on it in a recent Out Now, but it's $2 off, so might be worth a look. I haven't played this one, so maybe those who have can weigh in with a mini-review in the comments. It is available on iOS and Android. The Android version is free until Chapter 6, upon which you have to unlock the full game via an IAP. That IAP is currently running at a 40% discount.

Invisible Inc.: $3.99

Invisible Inc. is one of the best games of the year, I gave it five stars and have had a great time playing it. The turn-based stealth gameplay is fun and you need to employ solid tactics to succeed. It's a dollar off right now, and a must-play from my perspective. Grab it on iOS.

Invisible Inc

Final Fantasy Tactics: $3.99

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is a tactical role-playing game and definitely a classic. It's price has plummeted from $13.99 for the iPhone and $15.99 for the iPad down to $3.99. It is a pretty old game, even on mobile, but if you want to give it a go I believe this is the lowest price it has ever been. Also get it on Android.

Final Fantasy Tactics

Forbidden Desert: $1.99

Forbidden Desert is a board game come to mobile and got a four-star review from Kelsey earlier this year. It is $4 off and well worth a look if you've not played it.

Don't Starve Pocket Edition: $1.99

Don't Starve Pocket Edition was the Pocket Tactics action-game-of-the-year runner up and scored four stars from Dave when he reviewed it. It's a lot of fun and definitely a heavy weight of the survival genre. Don't Starve is normally $4.99 but on sale for $1.99 on iOS and Android.

Dont Starve

Solitairica: $2.99

If you take good old-fashioned Solitaire and blend in a hearty mix of role-playing and card-battling elements you get Solitairica. Tof gives it four stars in this review and I would award it the fifth star myself.  For my money it is one of the best games of the year and great in small chunks or longer play sessions. It's currently on sale for $2.99 (down from $3.99) and I certainly recommend you pick it up on iOS.


Days of Wonder Digital Board Games: $2.99

Thanksgiving means board games to many, and the usual Days of Wonder digital-games sale! Ticket to Ride, Small World 2, and Splendor are all down from their usual $6.99 to $2.99. Ticket to Ride especially is a paragon of how to convert a board game to digital, and Kelsey recently remedied its lack of review on Pocket Tactics. You can also find them on Android.


Pandemic: The Board Game: $2.99

Speaking of board games, one of the best cooperative board games ever made is also on sale. Pandemic is also normally $6.99 and on sale for $2.99. Saving the world from a global pandemic is challenging and requires teamwork and really strong tactics. It got a well-earned five-star review from Dave here on Pocket Tactics. It is available on iOS and Android.


Templar Battleforce: $4.99

I suspect I’m preaching to the choir here, but if you don't own Templar Battleforce already you need to buy it now. It's currently half off and if you like turn-based tactical games it is really hard to beat. It was 2015's strategy-game-of-the-year on this site and Tof gave it four stars. Again, I'd give it the fifth star and think you should play it right after Autumn Dynasty Warlords if you haven't had the pleasure, and envy you the experience. Get it on iOS or Android. Remember there is a free-trial version on both platforms.


HexWar Games: $.99 to $6.99

It looks like all, or nearly all, of HexWar Game's titles are on sale. One to note is Infection: Humanity's Last Gasp, which got five stars back in 2015. It is currently $2.99, down from $4.99 and available on iOS.

That's it for today's Black Friday Bonanza - some of these deals have been running during the week, and we'll check for you on Monday to see if any carry through till after the weekend. Hope our American readers had a good Thanksgiving, and enjoy your weekend! 

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