
March 16, 2015

It’s coming round the bend: Martin Wallace’s Steam still on target for Q3

Looks like we'll have to reroute this train to go through Rock Ridge.

Looks like we’ll have to reroute this train to go through Rock Ridge.

Martin Wallace is one of the greatest board game designers out there, and yet none of his designs have made it to the digital realm. His most popular games–Steam, Brass, Automobile–tend to be on the heavy side of board gaming. Actually, that might be too light a word. They tend to be on the very heavy side of board gaming. They generally involve complex economic models that are unforgiving to those who make mistakes. The thought of making an AI to play one of these boggles the mind a bit, so it’s understandable that none have made the transition.

Of course, last year we discovered that both Steam and Brass would be coming to tablets in 2015. Other than those announcements, however, we’ve not had any news since August. Brad over at 164 was lucky enough to attend PAX East this year where he met up with Mayfair and was able to snag a bit of info.

First of all, Steam is currently in alpha with an expected release date of Q3 2015. In what might be a first in software development, they are actually ahead of schedule and might even be able to deliver before Q3. For now, however, Q3 is the target. They also announced that all the official maps for Steam will be available in the app. No word on whether that will be via IAP or not, but it’s good to know that the app will come with a ton of variety.

Best of all, Brad got his hands on some screens. One of the new screens is at the top of this post, a couple more after the break. For even more, head over to Board Game Geek. Along with the screens, we’ve also got Brad’s video interview with Mayfair’s Alex Yeager on the other side.


Bidding for turn order at the start of the game. Only in a Martin Wallace title can you be screwed before the game even starts.


Choosing your action for the round. City Growth allows you to put more goods into a city location.


I’m trying to be cynical, but this really looks pretty.

post from sitemap

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