
May 1, 2015

Cut the green wire: Wire Defuser comes to iOS/Android

The red, shiny button.

The red, shiny button.

There’s something about the high-tension and life or death stakes that has made the defusing of explosives somewhat of a trope. Pretty much every cop or spy movie has had that scene. You know, “which wire do we cut” while an LED display ticks down the seconds until KABOOM, although disaster is narrowly avoided with only a second or two remaining on the clock. It’s a great setup and would seem to be a perfect setup for a video game, which is where Wire Defuser comes in.

Wire Defuser has you defusing bombs (not wires, what’s with that title?) by flipping switches, pushing buttons, and spinning wheels. In other words, it’s completely realistic. All you need to do is follow the directions on the screen and you’ll move onto the next level. It’s somewhat of a dexterity game, and when I first saw it I thought it somewhat resembled the fantastic SpaceTeam. After playing it a bit, I can confirm that it’s nothing like SpaceTeam and I’m an idiot for thinking so.

The entire crux of the game is to hold buttons for a specified time while also flipping switches and basically hating yourself for being a klutz. If your play sessions are anything like mine, you’ll end up with fingers in an unworkable pretzel while still not having enough digits to flip a switch. It’s frustrating, but in a way that makes you want to finish a level and get those damned three stars.

The game is free to download for iOS Universal and Android, and the only IAP involves purchasing “kits” that let you disable buttons or switches during a level, or skipping a level completely. I haven’t found a level yet that I couldn’t complete without using these kits, although there are over 80 levels as you progress so maybe later they become mandatory. Apart from the optional IAP, there are occasional ads that pop up, but nothing to invidious.

Check out the trailer after the break.

post from sitemap

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