
March 6, 2015

Deathwing and a prayer: Blackrock Mountain expansion coming to Hearthstone

So, this is why dragons were a type.

So, this is why dragons were a type.

Let’s get the bad Hearthstone news out of the way first: Hearthstone is still coming to iPhone and Android phones, but not for “a couple months”. Now, we’re talking about Blizzard here, so when they say “a couple months” that’s actually much better than their usual “when it’s done”. So, even the bad news today isn’t so bad.

The good news, however, is pretty fantastic. Blackrock Mountain is the latest expansion for Hearthstone and it’s coming in April. Similar to last summer’s Curse of Naxxramas, this expansion will focus on PvE content and feature 5 wings that are released one per week. Each wing will cost 700 gold or $7, but that price can be reduced if you buy the expansion as a bundle instead of wing by wing. Also similar to Naxxramas, this expansion will include class challenges for each class and will feature a Heroic mode with super tough bosses once the regular bosses are defeated. At the end of finishing all 5 wings, you’ll have 31 new cards added to your deck.

While the expansion is launching in April, you can preorder it starting on March 19 which will get you a special card back.

Check out the trailer after the break.

post from sitemap

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