
March 10, 2015

Tales for two: Tales From the Borderlands episode 2 gets trailer

Okay. Picture The Road Warrior, but it's wacky and fun! Whaddya think?

Okay. Picture The Road Warrior, but it’s wacky and fun! Whaddya think?

I picked up Telltale Games‘ last great adventure series, A Wolf Among Us, right after episode three. Playing through three straight episodes and then having to wait for episodes four and five to release was almost as bad as waiting for George R. R. Martin to finish a book. Nope, not doing that again. So, here I am to tell you about Tales from the Borderlands, a series that I have yet to download, and won’t until all five episodes have been released.

Having played, and loved, A Wolf Among Us, I can tell you that it is definitely something you should check out if you’re interested in well-written, well voice-acted, and clever adventure games that don’t lean on the standard adventure tropes such as finding obscure items and illogical puzzles. No, Telltale’s games are all about an intricate story, and the gameplay pushes it along to its inevitable episode ending cliffhanger.

Episode 1 for Tales From the Borderlands appeared in December and follows the stories of a con woman and a company man and their trails across the world of Pandora after the events of Borderlands 2. Episode 2 is coming next week, and Telltale has released a new trailer for it today. The second episode is titled Atlas Mugged, which should make you want to download this game even more.

Check out the trailer after the break, but beware of spoilers from Chapter 1. That said, after watching this, I really can’t wait for all 5 episodes to release so I can get my hands on it.

post from sitemap

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