Even “In Development” would be a better title.
Dear Herocraft,
Earlier today I received an email detailing your latest game, World of Dungeons. I just wanted to inform you that, when I read that title in the subject line, my eyes rolled back into my skull and I lost all interest in your game. Seriously? World of Dungeons? Is it really a world of dungeons? How does that work, exactly? There are no structures anywhere in your entire little fictional world that are above ground? Either you’ve completely given up or have transferred the naming duties at HeroCraft to a hamster confined to a Ouija board. No, actually, abpqre-YES-dr45-GOODBYE is a more evocative name than World of Dungeons, so said hamster is clearly overqualified for this position.
Yes, I know your game features tactical combat, several different classes to choose from, and loot and more loot. I even realize its a roguelike, which I’m usually a big fan of. I’m just not sure I can post about a game with such a generic, boring title. Seriously, what’s next? A sci-fi civilization type game that you’ll simply call “Starships”? Who would buy that?
And don’t think that just because you attached a trailer to this email that I will post it after the break.
Dave “I posted a trailer after the break” Neumann
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