
April 23, 2015

Cuck-coup: Coup bluffs its way onto App Store

The Contessa & The Captain, this fall on NBC

The Contessa & The Captain, this fall on NBC

Coup is one of those games that, when it was announced, we had no idea how it would work in a digital format. The entire game is based on lying and bluffing your way to victory, so not being able to see or talk with your opponents just seemed like a subpar way to play the game. Well, we don’t need to speculate on whether it will be a success or failure any more because it’s been released for iOS Universal and can be nabbed right now as a free download.

Coup is a game in which each player is dealt two characters, each of which has a special power. You know which characters you have, but nobody else does. On your turn, you then take an action based on which character the other players think you have. You don’t need to have that character to take the action, but if you’re lying and someone calls you on it, you lose one of your cards. If you lose both cards, you’re out of the round. It’s a very fun, fast bluffing game when sitting around a table and enjoying your beverage of choice.

Will it work on your iPhone? Give it a go and let us know in the comments. No trailer for this one, but you can see it being played by the crew of Game Night! from BGG after the break.

post from sitemap

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